Write a C program to find the missing elements of a given range. For this, the set of inputs necessary are, size of an array or number of elements in the array along with the elements or data values of the array. We also need the start and end range as input based on which we’ll compare with the array ...
Read More »C Program : Check If Arrays are Disjoint or Not | C Programs
Write a C program to find whether the given two arrays are disjoint set or not. We call two arrays disjoint set when they have no common elements between them. For checking this, we’ll first require the number of elements in the two arrays and the data values or elements in the two arrays as input. Our expected output as ...
Read More »C Program : Minimum Scalar Product of Two Vectors | C Programs
C program to find the minimum scalar product (dot product) of given two vectors. A scalar product or dot product is the product of the given two equal length vectors. To find the scalar product, we require the number of elements or sizes of the two arrays representing the vectors and the data values of the arrays (or vectors). The ...
Read More »C Program Transpose of a Matrix 2 Ways | C Programs
C program to find the transpose of a given matrix. Transpose of a matrix is nothing but flipping the matrix via its diagonal such that, the rows and columns of the matrix are switched i.e., a[i][j] becomes a[j][i] and vice versa. To implement this, we require an input matrix (2D array) whose transpose matrix is to be found along with ...
Read More »C program : Find Median of Two Sorted Arrays | C Programs
Write a C program to find the median of the given two sorted arrays. Median is the middle number when the numbers are sorted in either ascending or descending order. To implement this, our required inputs are the sizes of two arrays along with the elements or data values of the two arrays. Our desired output is the double type ...
Read More »Java Program To Find Perimeter Of Rectangle | 3 Ways
Java program to find the perimeter of a rectangle – In this distinct article, we will discuss the multiple methods used to calculate the perimeter of a rectangle in Java programming. Suitable examples and sample outputs are included in this piece as well for better interpretation. The compiler has also been added so that you can execute it yourself pretty ...
Read More »C Program : Rotate the Matrix by K Times | C Porgrams
Write a C program to rotate the given square matrix by k times. To implement this, we require the size of square matrix along with the elements or data values of the square matrix. The desire output is also a matrix of 2D array after rotating the input array k times, Rotate matrix by 90 degrees clockwise The first step ...
Read More »C Program Patterns of 0(1+)0 in The Given String | C Programs
Write a C program to find the number of patterns formed of 0(1+)0 in the given string. For example, 010, 0110, 01110, etc. To implement this, the input necessary is a string on which the number of 0(1+)0 patterns formed is to be calculated. Our desired output is an integer number denoting the number of such patterns formed on the ...
Read More »C Program : To Find Maximum Element in A Row | C Programs
Write a C program to find the maximum element in each row of a given square matrix. To do so, we require the size of the square matrix and the data values or elements of the square matrix as input. Our desired output is the maximum value of each row being displayed on the console screen in the end. The ...
Read More »C Program : Check if An Array Is a Subset of Another Array
Write a C program to check whether a given array is a subset of another given array. We can call an array a subset of another array if all the elements of the array are present in the other array as well. The set of inputs required are the sizes or number of elements in the two arrays along with ...
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